Duration 8:22

معجزة القرنفل لشعر طويل وكثيف كشعر الهنديات لن يتوقف على النمو اثنين سنتمتر في اسبوع Tunisia

19 732 230 watched
145.4 K
Published 5 Oct 2021

امزج الزنجبيل مع القرنفل لينمو الشعر بسرعة كبيرة وعلاج الصلع وستشكرني على الوصفة! القرنفل مع الزنجبيل لاطالة الشعر ومنع الشيب وعلاج الصلع رشيها علي شعرك 7 أيام الكل هيسالك عن طول وكثافة وجمال شعرك / تطويل / تنعيم /ترطيب (بدون غسيل) امزجي القرنفل مع الزنجبيل لشعر طويل وكثيف كشعر الهنديات لن يتوقف على النمو وستشكرينني على الوصفة فوائد القرنفل مع الشامبو للشعر بخاخ القرنفل للشعر طريقة استخدام القرنفل للشعر فوائد القرنفل للشعر الجاف فوائد القرنفل للشعر المتساقط فوائد القرنفل للشعر الأبيض تجربتي مع القرنفل للشعر فوائد مغلي القرنفل للشعر أضرار الزنجبيل للشعر بخاخ الزنجبيل للشعر هل الزنجبيل ينبت الشعر طريقة عصر الزنجبيل للشعر طريقة استعمال الزنجبيل لتطويل الشعر أيام الكل هيسالك عن طول وكثافة وجمال شعرك / تطويل / تنعيم /ترطيب (بدون غسيل)السر الهندي 🌿 لتسريع نمو الشعر وعلاج الصلع من الأسبوع الأول, السر الياباني 🌿 لزراعة الشعر وعلاج الصلع من الأسبوع الأول, مع مكونين فقط ، قومي بإزالة الشعر الرمادي بشكل دائم وطبيعي, القرنفل هدية ربانية يطول الشعر الى الركب ينبت الشعر حتى لو اصلع يوقف التساقط الشديد ويعالج شيب الشعر, ملعقة من هذه الحبة السوداء ستجعل كل من حولك يتكلم عن طول شعرك و كثافته ولمعانه, تطويل الشعر بجنون بدون غسل (وصفة هندية) رشة قبل النوم توقف التساقط وتقوي الشعر،كيراتين طبيعي, ملعقة حلبة ستجعل كل من حولك يتكلم عن طول شعرك و كثافته و لمعانه, بيضة واحدة لتطويل الشعر بسرعة الصاروخ من الاستعمال الاول وعلاج جميع مشاكل الشعر/تنعيم وترطيب الشعر2,تطويل الشعر/ تطويل الشعر بسرعه فائقه / تطويل الشعر بدون كذب cloves with ginger /Mix ginger with cloves to grow hair at a rocket speed and treat baldness and you will thank me for the recipe ! White hair to dark hair naturally in just 5 minutes 100% tested and effective the Indian secret, 🌿 to grow hair at lightning speed and treat baldness in the first week The recipe is translated into your language Click on the text [cc] at the top right and the three dots at the top right of the video, click "Subtitles", then turn on subtitles. Activate the above notifications by clicking on the ↑ bell 🔔 If you like the video, don't forget to leave a super like and share with your friends. We appreciate your supporting your natural beauty channel # Hair_lengthening # Hair_lengthening The Secret of Indian Thick Hair Secret of Indian Long Hair, What is the Secret of Indian Hair? Indian Hair Growth Secret, The Secret Of Indian Women's Hair Density The Secret Of Indian Hair Length And Density, The Secret Of Indian Women's Hair Length And Density, The Secret To Darkening Hair indiens What is the secret of Indian hair? What is the secret to long hair for Indian women? Indian Hair Length Secret, Indian Hair Beauty Secret Hair Cloves With Shampoo, Grommets For White Hair, Cloves For Dry Hair, Cloves For Oily Hair, Cloves For Thin Hair, shampoo hair cloves, henna hair cloves, cloves for falling hair, clove hair spray everyday what do cloves do for hair how to use cloves for hair, What is the benefit of cloves for hair? Is clove good for hair? cloves for hair and eyebrows, cloves for hair and gray hair, cloves for hair and skin, cloves for hair, cloves for hair with oil, benefits Cloves For Hair With Shampoo, The Benefit Of Cloves For Hair With Shampoo, Damage Of Cloves To Hair With Shampoo, What Is The Benefit Of Cloves For Hair? cloves for hair, cloves for hair for pregnant women, how to use cloves for hair, how to use cloves for hair, cloves for hair, benefits of cloves for hair , benefits of cloves for hair, benefits of clove oil for hair, benefits of cloves for hair, rice,water,rice water,fermented rice water,how to use rice water,rice water for hair,rice water benefits,rice water for hair growth,rice water hair growth results,rice water uses,asian beauty secrets,asian indian hair secrets,benefits of rice water,shiny hair,organic rice for hair,how to use rice water for hair,how to grow long hair naturally,rice water rinse,how to prepare rice water at home,how to get long thick hair with rice water,sushmitas diaries magical hair growth challenge,how to grow long and thicken hair faster with onion & potat,grow long and thicken hair faster with onion & potato,grow long and thicken hair faster,grow long and thicken hair faster with onion,how to grow long and thicken hair faster with onion,long and thicken hair,faster hair growth,hair growth,onion & potato hair growth,hair growth treatment,how to grow long and thicken hair,magical hair growth treatment,long and thicken hair naturally लेटे लेटे बाल लम्बे करने का तरीका | How to Grow Long Hair Faster | Thicken Hair Growth Remedy hair,hair growth,how to grow long hair,how to grow your hair fast,how to grow hair,hair growth treatment,how to grow your hair faster and longer in 1 week,long and thicken hair,how to grow long hair naturally,how to get long hair,growth your hair naturally,get faster hair growth in 2 weeks,long hair remedies,stop hair fall naturally,how to stop hair fall,hair growth secret,long hair,grow hair,beauty tips,grow hair fast,grow hair thicker,बाल,कैसे,how to #تطويل_الشعر #hairlingthing #recipes


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Comments - 2035
  • @
    @hiba81972 years ago ! /New video! Click on the link below ! h
    .. 25
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    @hiba81973 years ago New video! Click on this link
    Mix rosemary with water the Indian secret, to grow hair faster and treat baldness.
    .. 3
  • @
    @nakkiransworld2 years ago Thank you so much. Those who do not understand the language which you spoke also, clearly understand by seeing the video and texts coming during the video. Great presentation. Clear detailed smart video. 50
  • @
    @hiba81972 years ago ! /New video! Click on the link below !
    OMG Shocking!! This is What Happen s When You Apply This To Your Hair For A Week
  • @
    @marthagtzgallardo24222 years ago Gracias por compartir sus maravillosos consejos. 12
  • @
    @monikaonufer2682 years ago Sounds very hopeful will try to find mustard oil/almond! 2
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    @mariayamilamedina73592 years ago Hola amiga que reseta tan maravillosa me la voy aser. Que dios la bendiga para siempre soy de colombia. 3
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    @raziaabdalle23022 years ago Thnks alot u can. T imagine how rally i needed this remedy of yours thanks may god bless u happiness. 1
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    @victoriajimenezpreciado71803 years ago Gracias excelente tratamiento grasias por conpartir. 13
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    @jonasvolitsa38242 years ago I love so much long hair, you look so gorgeous! 1
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    @abiodunoyebajo37283 years ago Kudos. Is it compulsory to wash hair with. 10
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    @mariaissa.92103 years ago Chica, muchas gracias por la receta. Dios te bendiga. 50
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    @maigansumah38142 years ago Fantastic home made remedy, for hair growth. Can' t wait to try this home made remedy. 6
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    @adadelacruz67502 years ago Gracias por la receta lo har y probar porque tengo alopecia y nada me hace recuperar mi pelo ojal y me pruebe muchas gracias y muchas bendiciones. 8
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    @kaylor_00042 years ago Thanks for the subtitles. Wana try. What can i use instead of cloves,
  • @
    @hildelene3394last year Mieux vaudrait mettre lhuile de moutarde longtemps chauffer au bain marie, en y ajoutant les lments, plutt que cuire la pole: cest plus doux pour les bonnes huiles. 2
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    @analiaalcaraz29743 years ago Exelente propuesta, gracias por compartir tus conocimientos, saludos desde paraguay latinoamrica. 4
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    @zionisrael92642 years ago Voy a dejarlo toda la noche a ver lo que pasa mija. Gracias.
  • @
    @julietibrahim16393 years ago Can you tell me can i use the same mixer twice or we have to make new every time thanks. 9
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    @roselisilva33232 years ago Adorei muito obrigada pela gentileza vou fazer beijos do brasil. 6
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    @mariajesusortiz3173 years ago Por cuanto tiempo hay que hacerlo. Muchas gracias. 3
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    @asdianaasdiana70413 years ago Alhamdulillah, terimakasih ilmunya insya allah akan saya coba. 11
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    @rozenildasouza13102 years ago Eu rozenilda souza gostei vou fazer nos mulheres agradecemos muito. 23
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    @peacemicheal2492 years ago Thanks. That is what i want to do now.
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    @gilvaneidepaz27862 years ago Amei esta receita, muito obrigada por compartilhar o segredo das indianas. 7
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    @shafiqabanu4598last year Masha allah shukran qateeran jazak allah khairan.
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    @catherinemutero66783 years ago Thank u so much looks amazing wanna try. 1
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    @maricordero88123 years ago Exelente receta ya lo pongo en prctica y despus les cuento gracias. 43
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    @joymomohaniru15302 years ago Must you wash hair after applying it? Can' it be used as hair cream? Thanks for posting. 5
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    @shafiqabanu4598last year Excellent remedy for hair thank you dear stay blessed.
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    @amnafathima60532 years ago Is there any after effect by using it? Please reply. 4
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    @officialteegoldaby99523 years ago Powerful information. Thanks for sharing. 2
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    @adolfinabenzan21132 years ago Quiero saber si se tratamiento no mancha o tinta las canas? 2
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    @estellaalvarezthela47012 years ago La traduccion la pasaron muy rapido gracias.
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    @jemmajemmmh7612 years ago Wowoew, i like your topic now it' s amazing,
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    @zumrud.55782 years ago Ya super. Mnimd salarmn bel olmasn istrdim. 1