Duration 10:36


33 843 857 watched
980.2 K
Published 25 May 2020

200%顔痩せ❤️小顔+華奢な首❤️顔周りの脂肪を10kg落とす!→ /watch/kwJFaqs7q-T7F 川島さんのチャンネル→/channel/UCTGEpK4QW14v7C1tPG306Pw モデル:Mahoちゃん→https://www.instagram.com/__maaho__/ 🍰短期でガツンとダイエット🍮8週間で通常の筋トレの10倍体重が減って体脂肪が落ちる運動動画を作成しました💪やりたい方はチャンネルメンバーシップのボディメイクプロデュースに参加してね!年末まで限定で特別LINEコミュニティもあります!→/channel/UCb4-om3UY151Hu1uCR8Q19Q/join 公式LINE登録で「最初の3kg痩せる運動+食事ガイドブック」今だけプレゼント中🎁! 【登録者数230万人著書4冊マッスルウォッチング公式LINE】 ⬇︎⬇︎⬇︎ ▶︎ https://lin.ee/69MZhyy ⬆︎⬆︎⬆︎ [まもなく募集終了] あなたのボディメイクを完全プロデュースします!月額2,990円のチャンネルメンバーシップに入会ください!→/channel/UCb4-om3UY151Hu1uCR8Q19Q/join 魅力はなんと言っても「個別指導」にあります! ・姿勢に合わせた種目選定 ・姿勢に合わせたフォーム選定 ・タイプや希望に合わせた柔軟なトレーニングプラン作成 個別の事情をしっかり聞いてあなたに最適なプランを提示します! [盛りだくさんの入会特典] 1.姿勢診断が受けられる 2.姿勢に合ったレッスン動画が見れる 3.ワークアウトカレンダーで悩まずトレーニングできる 4.オンラインLIVE配信で運動・食事の知識が学べる 5.LINEで個別相談し放題 [こんな人におすすめ] ・自分に合うメニューが分からない ・何が正しい情報なのか分からない ・短時間で静かな動きで痩せたい ・カロリー制限したくない ・自分のペースで気軽にやりたい [トレーニングの進め方] 1.あなたの姿勢や特徴を診断 2.目的に合った最適な種目を選定 3.柔軟性に合わせてフォームを調整 4.動画でワークアウトプランを渡す プラン通りトレーニングを行うだけで次のレベルに行けます。 他サービスとの最も大きな違いは、 「姿勢と柔軟性に応じてフォームを調整する」ことです。 フォームを調整するとトレーニング効果は倍増します。 ・フォームの調整 ・レベルにあった種目選定 ・レベルにあった知識とスキルの習得 この3つが揃えば毎日成長できるので楽しく継続できます。 焦らず1歩ずつ進んでいきます。 優先順位が高いものから順番にゆっくり行います。 頑張ったり我慢したりする必要はありません。 あなたの生活リズムの中でやりたいことを自由にやってください。 どんなに素晴らしいと言われる運動でも「合う・合わない」があります。 あの人はこのトレーニングで痩せたのに私は痩せない。 それはただ、あなたに合っていなかっただけです。 あなたに最適な種目・フォーム・進み方なら、あなたは痩せることが出来ます。 いつ辞めてもOK。 1ヶ月だけでもOK。 私にプロデュースされてみませんか? 【自己紹介】 高稲 達弥(たかいね たつや) YouTuber / パーソナルトレーナー 40歳、長崎市出身・大阪市在住、京都産業大学法学部法律学科卒業 マッスルウォッチング株式会社 代表取締役 マッスルウォッチングジム経営 チャンネル登録者数227万人(YouTube歴14年) 著書4冊(「美人はキレイな筋肉でできている(KADOKAWA)」など) 雑誌掲載多数(ViVi、CanCam、日経ヘルスなど) テレビ出演(おはよう朝日土曜日です、ザ・世界仰天ニュース) 本田圭佑が代表を務める Now Do株式会社のシードラウンド投資家として出資 【イベント・タイアップ】 母校の京都産業大学で地方創生の講師活動→https://www.kyoto-su.ac.jp/news/2018915_news_nashi.html AIG損保とのタイアップ→/watch/gOXzDU2HKesHz ビオフェルミン製薬とのタイアップ→https://prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p/000000025.000035690.html 一般社団法人寝屋川青年会議所で健康運動講義 藤本美貴さんとのタイアップ→/watch/8yr2MAlfXrjf2 熊田曜子さんとのタイアップ→/watch/8LAEVwHxw1jxE 谷村奈南さんとのタイアップ→/watch/0frf3OpChDrCf 東京ガールズコレクションとのタイアップ→/watch/UWnGXpsTU2YTG 青木愛さんとのタイアップ→/watch/sUzC063XvqAXC HIROYAさんとのタイアップ→/watch/I7AHCAvIsMEIH 【視聴者の皆さんへ】 アメリカからドバイまで世界各国を周り、様々なダイエットの悩みを聞いてきました。 宗教・文化・価値観が異なればダイエットのやり方も大きく変わります。 その中で、世界共通で重要なのが ★姿勢に合わせたトレーニングフォーム ★体型に合わせた種目選定 ★最低限の食事知識 だという結論に至りました。 その人の姿勢に合わせたフォームで適切に選定された種目を行うとダイエットはすぐ成功します。 この感動を多くの人に知ってもらいたい。 そんな思いで今回チャンネルメンバーシップをリニューアルしました。 私について来てください。 あなたのボディメイクを最短最速で完全プロデュースします。 もう頑張ったり制限するのは辞めましょう。 チャンネルメンバーシップへ参加して人生を変えよう!→/channel/UCb4-om3UY151Hu1uCR8Q19Q/join インスタグラム→https://www.instagram.com/musclewatching/ テレビ・雑誌・書籍・案件・コラボ等のお問い合わせはHPから→https://musclewatching-gym.com/ マイプロテイン激安購入はこちら→https://prf.hn/l/8MlM8nN ※購入時にコード MUSCLEWATCHING を使うとマイプロテインが超激安で買える! 個人的にダイエットの応援メッセージが欲しい方はこちら→https://v.cameo.com/nJ9bVL0ACpb 大阪市鶴見区にマッスルウォッチングジムをオープンしました!BiZFiTパーソナルトレーニングを受けてみたい方はこちらをご覧ください→https://www.instagram.com/p/CjVfQlar90J/ BiZFiT(ビジフィット)とは? ビジフィットは私の日常です。 仕事したら運動する。 これで頭が冴えて仕事効率も上がる。 ジムで仕事をするのが一番捗ります。 そして自然とボディメイクにもなる。 私のジムには多くのインフルエンサーや経営者が集まります。 みんなが考えていることはビジネスをいかに上手くやるか。 ビジフィットでは理想の体を作り上げるので自信がつきます。 この自信がさらにビジネスを加速させます。 ビジフィットに興味がある方はぜひ LINEください。 取材も大歓迎です。 https://lin.ee/69MZhyy P.S. 僕も昔はサラリーマンで、やりたくない仕事を低賃金で行っていました。疑問を抱きながらも勇気がなく実力もなく不甲斐ない毎日。僕はそんな人生に終わりを告げ、YouTubeで230万人に支持されるチャンネルを作り上げました。凡人の私に出来たことはあなたにも出来ます。起業とボディメイクに成功してなりたい自分になりませんか? [よくある質問] Q.リモートでも可能ですか? A.可能です。 Q.リモート半分、ジム通い半分でも可能ですか? A.可能です。 Q.リモートでトレーニング道具がなくても可能ですか? A.可能です。 Q.既に起業していても受けれますか? A.受けれます。 Q.今すぐ起業しなくても受けれますか?A.受けれます。 - - - マッスルウォッチング株式会社 代表取締役:高稲 達弥 YouTubeチャンネル登録者数230万人 パーソナルトレーナー / 著書4冊 マッスルウォッチングジム経営 大阪市鶴見区鶴見3-5-12 尾本ビル2F Chapters: 0:00 Wide to small 1:03 Long to small 2:06 Massage 3:09 Tongue turning 4:12 Shoulder rotation 5:15 Wide to small 6:18 Long to small 7:21 Massage 8:24 Tongue turning 9:27 Shoulder rotation


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Comments - 49093
  • @
    @MuscleWatching3 months ago 60 min full version(Ad free) 60()
    For optimal results, perfor ming this exercise for 60 minutes is recommended.60
    The 60 minute video is available to members only.60
    For more in-depth workouts, join our membership community!
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    to create even more valuable content.
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    @dudegamer14202 years ago This workout alone can' t significantly transform your face, there are still other essential factors to consider like exercise, diet, and sleep. But . ...Expand 5298
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    @rosalia285010 months ago I did this workout for 2 weeks as someone who is 165cm and 42kg, but has a pretty chubby face.
    personally i strated to feel the changes on day 5, . ...Expand 1818
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    @user-zx9bn8fs9p9 months ago Who else is doing this to glow up before school starts. 298
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    @cess59788 months ago Day 1:
    day 2: done!
    day 3: done
    day 4: i can day 5: done! We can do this guys
    day 6: done! I' m loving it
    day 7: i can' t believe that i' ve been doing this for a week now and i can say that i can see some changes!
    day 8: i noticed that my face shape became shorter but the face fat is still there but not the same as before!
    day 9: done!
    day 10: done!
    day 11: slay and done!
    day 12: done! I appreciate your comments! Lt; 33
    day 13: done! Much slimmer
    day 14: i was sick so i didn' t do it yesterday.
    day 15: done!
    day 16: done
    day 17: done!
    day 18: it feels like i got a permanent contour on my face just wow huhu dont forget to drink alot of water guys! You can do it!
    i' m planning to do this for 20 days!
    update me please
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    @evinkardas50493 years ago No one: all of us right now while looking at the comment section: . 4721
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    @ChanelChristian-bi7jtlast year Did this for a month, my face got smaller! My jawline got sharper, and lost lots of double chin fat. This works but you should at least sleep 7-11 hours . ...Expand 473
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    @sweetdalgona3918last year I did this twice a day (sometimes once) for almost 7 days in a row and everyone said my face looks smaller omg this works so well. 336
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    @liya47589 months ago Just for motivation (doing this for 30 days)
    day 1: day 16:
    day 2: day 17:
    day 3: day 18:
    day 4: day 19: day 5: day 20:
    day 6: day 21:
    day 7: day 22:
    day 8: day 23:
    day 9: day 24:
    day 10: day 25:
    day 11: day 26:
    day 12: day 27:
    day 13: day 28:
    day 14: day 29:
    day 15: day 30:
    okay. My face has become more beautiful. My cheeks also lost weight, in the photo i began to look much better. Be sure to keep the drinking balance. I recommend it
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    @riddhimanna8437last year I' ll do the 30 days challenge too like some people in the comments!
    day 1- i searched it up because i did not like how chubby my face looked day 2- did it again before starting work. Really puts me in a positive frame of mind if i' m able to do finish the exercise.
    day 3- today was difficult, i was not doing well mentally and wason everything. I managed to still do this exercise thanks to this challenge! Since i am familiar with the exercise now, i could reflect on my life and it was a meditative process doing the exercise today. I feel much better today after doing the exercise!
    day 4- i missed it yesterday because i was having a bad day but today a notification from youtube (that someone liked my comment) brought me back to the challenge! Thanks to everyone who has liked this comment, it was really helpful: i was having an okay day today but doing this exercise makes me realize that i am working on myself and makes my day so much better. Wish anyone reading this a wonderful day too! I' ll be sure to be back tomorrow!
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    @ggggggggggggggggggggggg55510 months ago If you see this comment, keep it up! Youre doing great. 45
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    @saraxx42593 years ago Anyone else reading the comments while doing the exercises? 4545
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    @ffff-zl9wzlast year Ive been doing this for over a year now, and as someone who has a naturally round face, it does really help! Thank you. 577
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    @ikramosman1688last year I love how everyone dispears after like a week after they say their gonna do this for a month or 2 weeks. 118
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    @khadijayasir19 months ago To all those who are doubting that this exercise works or not let me tell you that it works 100% i don' t usually comment on youtube videos but this thank you muscle watching. ...Expand 280
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    @silverb2191last year Imma do the same the 30-days challenge
    day 1 (march 19) i just started today doing these exercises. At first, all of these exercises are new id="hidden9" to me. It is easy to follow but im hoping to get better results within 30 days
    day 2 (march 20) i just had an exercise my face this morning. Well, my face is getting numb especially when i do the tongue rotation. So far, i didnt see any changes in my face since im just starting and its only day 2. Im hoping to see changes within 1 week.
    day 3 (march 21) i just finished my exercise this afternoon. It was epic since i did it during my office hours. Thankfully my co-workers didnt see while i was doing this. Anyways, as of now, i think theres a (little bit) change in my face. Im not sure it shape my face but will do this till the 30th day to see the whole results.
    day 4 (march 22) still doing my routine during office hours. Well as for my face, hmm still the same as yesterday but i must keep going.
    day 5 (march 23) oh shoot i forgot to write my journal, my bad. Im really busy working that i forgot to write but i did exercise on the 5th day. For the update, i could see some little bit changes, may jaw is slightly getting sharper (but not completely) as for my cheeks, i think it get a little slim (i dunno if there is a change tho) but what matters is just i will continue exercising this till i will see the results. No worries, i will keep updating this journal. My bad for not writing it down immediately.
    day 6 (march 24) finished with my exercise during my duty hours again. Well, i could that im impress that when i look at the camera of my phone, there is a change in my jawline compared before, it is getting sharper bit by bit, but still have a double chin lols. Anyways, my face is slightly getting slimmer i guess and more results to come hehe.
    day 7 (march 25) done with my exercise a while ago. I tried to ask my mom if there is really a change in my face because i dont have faith in myself. So yeah my mom said that my jawline is more defined. And i cant believe that these exercises is really effective. Gonna do this more often. A little reminder to everyone, just be careful what you eat since it will affect your body on how much calories you consume especially the face. What i did is i only eat twice a day (morning and evening) it is my routine, so it is not necessary to follow what i did. You can have your own routine but just be mindful on what food you consume. Goodluck everyone.
    day 8 (march 26) did an exercise a while ago. I almost forgot again too write down my journal. Anyways, moving forward, i could say my jawline is getting sharper again then in my cheeks, well i can say that still bit by bit getting smaller and im really hapoy about it.
    day 9 (march 27) already done with my exercise hehe. As of now, my face is the same as of yesterday but still there is a room for improvement. So, i will still continue to exercise and never give up.
    day 10 (march 28) same usual, done already with exercises. Bit by bit i can see the changes in my face especially my jawline which is getting sharper and im so happy with it.
    day 11 (march 29) heyya. Almost forgot again to write down. I really apologize, ive been way to busy in my work, but still manage to exercise anyways. Will be reaching for the 2nd week of exercise and theres been a big changes (not exaggerating) in my face. Cant wait till the end of 30th day to see the results. Imma keep it up.
    day 12 (march 30) done exercising. Same usual, getting used to these exercises every time. However, the tongue rotation exercises always gets my jaw in pain when i executed it but it is for the sake for getting sharper jaw and slimmer face. Must keep doing theses exercises. And as for the result, theres a bit of change in my face and even it is a bit, im still proud of it.
    day 13 (march 31) im sorry guys. Ive been so busy lately that i forgot to write down my journal. But still, i did exercise this day. As for the development or changes probably in my face. Its still the same as yesterday however i can my face is getting slim and smaller due to consistent exercises of this. So, hoping will continue this even after the 30th day.
    day 14 (april 1) done with my exercise hehe. My jaw is getting firm according to my mom since she noticed my face is getting slimmer and my jaw is getting sharper. Ill keep up the good work.
    day 15 (april 2) apologies once again, forgot to write it down here. Anyways, done with my exercise and still hoping to see change in the next few days. And the results is still the same as usual as yesterday hehe.
    day 16 (april 3) done with these exercises hehe. Cant still get over with the tongue rotation it make jaw numb so bad but of course in exchange will a give a better result in the jawlines hehe.
    day 17 (april 4) eyy done with my exercises. Feeling good with my face that is more sharp than before and my face getting slim. Its already more than 2 weeks must keep going. Fighting!
    day 18 (april 5) sorry, i forgot down my journal for three days, due to busy. However, i still did the exercises. So, no worries.
    day 19 (april 6) done with my exercises. Changes in my jaw is getting sharper and slimmer.
    day 20 (april 7) done with the exercises. However, i only did the tongue rotation since this exercise is the most effective that can make your jaw sharper and face toner.
    day 21 (april 8) sorry everyone huhuhu. Been busy a lot lately: but fortunately i still didnt forgot to exercise hehe. As for the update in my face. My jaw is getting sharper than ever and my face is getting slimmer. Im so really with the result. 9 days left and ill see the difference between the before and after changes in my face.
    day 22 (april 9) apologies forgot to write it down. Anyways i still finished my exercise. As usual the same routine and the changes in my face had a improvement than before (day 1) im excited how would my face look before and after.
    day 23 (april 10) hewoo. Im done with my exercises today hehe. My face is still numb from the exercise lol. Anyways 7 days more left to go and im done with my 30-day challenge.
    day 24 (april 11) eyy. Done with exercises early in the morning. Im so happy that i see big changes in face. I compared my face before exercise and after exercise. I really see the big difference between them. Huhuhuhu. I really recommend these exercises guys.
    day 25 (april 12) done with ny exercises hehe. 5 more days to guys and still going strong.
    day 26 (april 13) done with my exercises this morning hehe. My face getting numb but still getting hang in there. 4 more days left to go guys. And im gonna see the difference of day 1 and day 30 hehe
    day 27 (april 14) hewwo. Done with my exercise. Huhuhu can' t believe i' m getting closer to my goal. 3 more days left to go. I' m getting hyped right now. Gt; _<
    day 28 (april 15) heyy. Done today with my exercises. Few more days to go guys and i' ll just summarize all the changes in my face starting day 1 till day 30. Just look out hehe.
    day 29 (april 16) done with my exercise today. 1 day left to go huhu and finally can finish my 30 day challenge:
    day 30 (april 17) finally huhuhu, im done with my exercises for the last day of my challenge. I officially announced that i had survived ang consistently done these exercises starting day 1 till day 30. If i could remember before i discover these routines, i still had chubby face and everytime i look at the mirror i feel insecure with my face because someone said to me that my face gain weight, which is why i find ways on how to lose weight in my face until i discover these exercises. I coundnt believe that these exercises are really effective on my face. My face is slimmer and getting toned, my jaw getting sharper and shapes my face, and lastly, my double chin is gone (or is not visible anymore) what a journey it has been. Even if i already finished with my 30-day challenge, i will still continue to do these exercises but not daily anymore i guess 3-4 times a week or possible daily if i feel like it. So, guys my motivation to you is to never give up, be persistent to your goal. I know at first, i get too lazy to do these exercises even it is for my face. However, i persisted that i should to these exercises to achieve my goal which keeps me going. Plus being aware and concious with my diet is also a must. Thats my end of my story. Hope to see you get motivated bu doing these exercises which i encourage you and i swear it is really effective. Thank youu guys for being with me in this journey
    . ...Expand 2196
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    @nvmichaela049 months ago I' ve been doing it for almost a year, all i can say is that it' s very effective for me even though i' m lazy sometimes, but i still do it btw . ...Expand 63
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    @haneen804 years ago Pov: youre scrolling thro the comments while u. 8876
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    @SH1NING5TARlast year I just love how this workout vid feels compared to other ones.
    it motivates me to follow their excercise as they seem like they' re having fun!
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    @Ninja_Arashi101.2 years ago Im going to be doing this exercise in my winter break and i will keep updated! I do it once a day!
    day1: it was alr, didnt see any change i w id="hidden12"ill try to take pictures everyday!
    day2: it was easier then yesterday, im gonna take a picture and see the difference
    day3: its getting easier and the shoulder one hurts but i think i see change < 3!
    day 4: its not that hard to do and i definitely see change. The tongue one is the most affective for me
    day5: it was a bit harder and after doing it my face changed shape. I also ate pringles after doing it
    day6: im so happy with my results but i will continue and it definitely works!
    day7: i couldnt do it because i was busy and then i was not feeling well
    day9: this exercise has become my routine and it is so much easier to do
    day10: finally its been 10 days but i will continue
    day11: the tongue one was the most hard one tbh
    day12: it was pretty good and tomorrow will be my last day!
    day13: it is my last day but i will try my best to continue!
    i didnt do the exercise after that i just stopped.
    hi guys so i decided to do it again because i felt fat
    day1: it felt good doing it
    day2: it was good
    day3: i might stop after tomorrow because i have school
    day4: probably last day
    hey guys so i will be doing this for a month checkout my second comment
    . ...Expand 622
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    @JanetSantiago1358 months ago Day 1: done
    day 2: done
    day 3: done
    day 4:
    day 5:
    day 6:
    remind me.
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    @rose-rx5kx2 years ago I have done this exercise exactly a year ago and here i am again to do it! 770
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    @piinkberry178 months ago These two are my literal heroes! Only a week of doing these exercises and the difference its been making on my face is just astounding. Of course, i pair this with diet and exercise. 50
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    @tk54443 years ago My mum walked into my room and walked straight back out. 3272
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    @extremelyviolentlyvioletpl60732 years ago Thanks guys! I been adding this face workout to my routine for couple months now and my face and cheeks look and feel more firm yet softer in the best w . ...Expand 66
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    @samanthaorella15939 months ago It' s currently 2023 and i started my weight loss journey in 2021-2022, coming back to this i can tell you i' ve seen amazing changes on my face . ...Expand 59
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    @ashkte100511 months ago Im doing this for 30 days since im done w/ school! And i' ll edit everytime i do the exercise: d
    day 1 (june 3, 2023) the start, felt id="hidden16" amazing after the exercise!
    day 2 (june 4, 2023) did this for 2x! Felt motivated:
    day 3 (june 5, 2023) done! My jaw is much tighter now and i feel like my face is getting slimer ^^
    day 4 (june 6, 2023) didnt do it bc it was my bday and after my bday, i was literally so exhausted so i didnt have the strength to do it: but whenever i touch my face i feel like the fat was gone! Luv this exercise.
    day 5 ( june 7, 2023) did this for 2x to make up for yesterday! My face feels so different now!
    day 6 (june 8, 2023) done! I feel like my face is gradually getting slimmer
    day 7 ( june 9, 2023) didnt do it bc i was having a movie w/ my parents
    day 8 (june 10, 2023) didnt do it aswel bc i was having a movie night with my sisters again lol
    day 9 (june 11, 2023) did it! My face is so slim now!
    day 10 ( june 12, 2023) didnt do it:
    day 11 (june 13, 2023) did it 3x to make up for yesterday june 9, and june 10!
    day 12 (june 14, 2023) didnt do itt
    day 13 (june 15, 2023) didnt do it cuz i was lacking motivation
    day 14 (june 16, 2023) did it 2x to make up for yesterday and yesterday lol
    didnt do it daily anymore:
    back to day 1! Reduced it for 3 weeks)
    day 1 (june 26, 2023) did it 2x! + Soothing gel & guasha p. S: srry for not updating anymore:
    day 2 (june 27, 2023) done
    day 3 (june 28, 2023)_ didnt do it cuz i went to somewhere w/ my fam
    day 4 (june 29, 2023)_ same reason
    day 5 (june 30, 2023) same reason
    day 7 (july 1, 2023) done!
    . ...Expand 128
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    @Abi-rt3vvlast year April 23, 2023
    i was looking at some old selfies from the time i used to do this exercise every day back in 2021 and i can tell that they really additionally, i' m working out around 30 min - 1h on my stationary bike 5 or 6 days per week!
    day 1: i recommend everyone to take a selfie on their first day and another one in a month or two, i remember doing it and the difference was crazyyy
    day 2:
    day 3: i came home so exhausted i forgot to do it
    day 4:
    day 5:
    day 6:
    day 7:
    day 8:
    day 9: started seeing results: d they' re subtle tho
    day 10:
    day 11:
    day 12:
    day 13:
    day 14:
    day 15: i forgot djkskd
    day 16: sorry uni is beating me up lmao ill do it tomorrow i promise!
    day 17:
    day 18:
    day 19:
    day 20: my jawline is so much more noticeable, i didn' t realize until today when i put my hair into a ponytail woah
    day 21:
    day 22: i should start doing it in the morning because i always get home so exhausted i go straight to bed
    day 23: the past week i haven' t been cycling indoor as much as i used to so the changes (now more noticeable) i' m seeing are mostly because of this video my jawline was nonexistent 3 weeks ago & now is more defined. Double chin is still there though but i need to do more cardio i won' t expect miracles
    day 24:
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    @eugene9710 months ago Alright im going to do this for 30 days
    day 1
    day 2
    day 3 pan id="hidden18"
    day 4
    day 5
    day 6
    day 7
    day 8
    day 9
    day 10
    day 11
    day 12
    day 13
    day 14 im kinda starting to notice results my face is slimmer and face fat is reducing
    day 15
    day 16
    day 17
    day 18
    . ...Expand 20
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    @olgachekh31143 years ago The reason why all the comments have many likes is because ppl get bored of just reading them so they like them. 2818
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    @kiru30348 months ago I' m planning on doing this for 2 weeks, please give reminders though
    day 1: my jaw hurts! I' ll get used to it though.
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    @rainbowmary366711 months ago Doing 30 days of this exercise!
    day 1: not much diff but wasn' t expecting that anyway.
    day 2: i' ve noticed it makes my face les day 3: no dif
    day 4: i think my face is getting slimmer actually
    day 5: did it twice cause i had more time
    day 6:
    day 7: almost forgot to do it but i' m glad i remembered!
    day 8: my face looks a lot slimmer and my jawline is more visible than it was before so i' m seeing some progress!
    day 9:
    day 10:
    day 11:
    day 12:
    day 13: probably not gonna update much till i finish the challenge but i think its working
    day 14:
    day 15:
    day 16:
    day 17:
    day 18:
    day: 19:
    day 20:
    day 21:
    day 22: was rlly busy so i completely forgot to do it;
    day 23:
    day 24:
    day 25:
    day 26:
    day 27:
    day 28:
    day 29: almost there
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    @nshmra818210 months ago Doing this while reading the comments is so motivating! 15
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    @sooophgm91028 months ago Day 1 - the tongue thing killed me
    day 2 - it was easier for me
    day 3 - was motivated and felt good
    day 4 - i see a diffe id="hidden20"rence. Nothing big but my face is slowly taking shape
    day 5 - same as day 4
    day 6 - i was so happy to do it again
    day 7 - 1 week done. That was great, i see a difference and the thing with the tongue was good too!
    . ...Expand 20
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    @Beadumppp10 months ago Doing this for 30 days
    day 1 - did it! No differences also did it 3 times a day morning. Afternoon, night
    day 2 - did it, slight differences did it 3 times because i was desperate for a new face (was insecure)
    day 3 - did it 3 times also
    day 4 - did it 3 times now and ofc since i did it 3 times for 3 days i saw myself having slim face
    day 5 - did it for 2 times i saw in this comments they did it for 2 times so i thought i was doing it wrong but it' s oki i had very small differences too
    day 6 - did it 2 times!
    day 7 - did it
    day 8 - did it
    day 9 - did it so excited! For a slim face i also did 30 min workout lol!
    day 10 - did it
    day 11 - did it! Make sure to do workouts! Also i didn' t do the shoulder rotation bc i was to lazy to stand up)
    day 12 - did it (again i didn' t do shoulder rotation
    day 13 - did itt
    day 14 - did it also i saw a few changes my face became kind of small and my jawline kind of yk show well let' s see if there' s new changes
    day 15 (2weeks already! Did it omg! My face is kind of slim and small! Let' s wait for 30 days and maybe i' ll change it to 50 days if i want it to be permanent also once i reach 30 days.
    day 16 - did it omgg! My face is less puffy kinda slim and i also kinda have a small face but it havent been 30 days so let' s see if i get even more slim face also i started not doing workouts bc i lost motivation.
    day 17 - did it (only did it once bc it was sunday and it was family time also didn' t update yesterday bc i was exhausted)
    day 18 - did it ( felt burning head and tounge, cheeks on tounge rotation ) it was working hehe
    day 19 - felt burning on long to small! Including tounge rotation
    day 20 - also felt burning on tounge rotation, long to small, i didn' t feel burning on others well its ok! My face isn' t quite slim. But lets hope for the best and keep waiting < 3! My neck lost fat kinda by shoulder rotation)
    day 21 - did it yehy!
    day 22 -did it at afternoon tho cuz my phone wasn' t working earlier ofc there are still no differences slight thoo but i think physically and mentally i look the same as yesterday.
    day 23 - did it yehy! Def saw a difference compared to my old photos jaw became more defined (kinda) so excited for tomorrow! Like this comment to remind me
    day 24 - did it 6 days more to go!
    day 25 - did itt 5days moree!
    day 26 - 4 days more to go
    day 27 - did it my goshh i feel so proud for myself 3 more days
    day 28 - was lacking motivation. But still did it prob won' t do it at night like i said lacking motivation 2 more days until i' m finished love how my face is looking slim already i felt burning in shoulder rotation goodbye neck fat
    day 29 - hello again, so i did this exercise my face looks more slim now may jaw is like slanting " /" i never knew exercising your face would be that hard basically the point of it is moulding you' re face, you' re creating a new ver of yourself well i' m happy with it thanks to this youtube channel, i' m happy i got rid of face fat but let' s see our progress tomorrow
    day 30 - did not did it yesterday lacking motivation was on character ai that' s why i was lacking motivation but did it today!
    haah~ what a journey i' ve been through< 3. Doing this for 1 month is worth it my face is slim and beautiful i already have confidence in my face beautiful me! I may still be doing this for more 50 days but i won' t be reminding as much i' m just greatful that i have a slim face thank you to this channel i achieved a slim face there
    other exercises also helped me alot. Bye being insecure welcome new and confident me< 3! Sending love and i hope you guys don' t give up doing this especially the ones who' s lacking motivation doing this remember healthy diet, good sleep, is good bye my lovelies don' t give up but i might rest my face for 2 days and start again make sure to do that too when you reached 30 days okii baii!
    might not be reminding until i get what i want lol also like to keep me updated< 3
    ...Expand 49
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    @soukainad74163 years ago Me:
    the ghost in the corner of my room: is she okay?
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    @kayilyilast year Puedo decir que estos ejercicios funcionan! Por que mi mam despus que haga estos ejercicios vea mi cara ms pequea y en un solo intento, y ms que llevo semanas veo un buen desarrollo. 170
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    @dthuylinh058 months ago Imma doing this for 30 days, hope that i will complete this routine and not give up
    day 1: done
    day 2: done
    day 3: done, i id="hidden23"see nothing changes but still try to do this routine everyday!
    day 4: done
    day 5: done
    day 6: done
    day 7: done
    day 8: done
    day 9: done
    day 10: done
    day 11: done
    day 12: done, i can see my face is getting slimmer and slimmer, will try to do this everyday!
    . ...Expand 12
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    @nataliagoek5193last year Best face workout. I did it for 2 months and it changed my face completely. 14
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    @cindy_da50874 years ago Me in my room:
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    @Neriyaabarathi10 months ago I recently gained around 8kgs after moving to england and i was very ashamed of myself to even step out. My face had changed entirely due to the weight . ...Expand 75
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    @XoSanam-sg9up11 months ago Doing these exercises almost 2 months i saw magical effects on my face this help to loose all extra fats, sharpe jaw line and enhance beauty bones. Thanks for such an amazing exercises! 28
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    @jobellecasilla88115 months ago Challenge accepted for 30days!
    day 1- done
    day 2-done super easy! Can' t wait to slim my chubby face!
    day 3-missed, too busy day 4- done! The tongue part always got me!. ...Expand
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    @Ninja_Arashi101.last year I will be doing this exercise for a month (this is my second comment) i will let you guys know if there is any difference!
    i might miss a few days day1: it felt good doing this exercise again
    day2: i felt the burn
    day3: done!
    day5: i see difference
    day6: i did half of it idk if it counts though
    day7: i could see my jawline form right after doing the exercise
    day9: its been nine days, dang. I did it two times)
    day10: its working!
    day12: my face has slimmed down a lot!
    day13: did it two times
    day14: did it right before a wedding and my jawline is more defined
    day15: barely had time to do it
    day16: didnt have time to do it
    day18: i see a lot of difference
    day19: it definitely works bro( i skipped the massages )
    day20: i didnt have time
    day21: i see so much change
    day23: my face changed so much
    day26: there is so much change
    day28: the results are so visible
    day29: second last day!
    day30: omg im done with one month
    results: so im gonna be honest, i have seen so much change man i didnt expect myself to do this for a month and i have seen so much change in my face. My jawline is so much more defined and its visible, i have lost face fat and im so happy i might do it again if i can but im so done rn. If any of u are willing to try this exercise please do it, it will change your life
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    @user-lx1md3it9e6 months ago Day 1:
    day 2:
    day 3:
    span id="hidden28" />day 4:
    day 5:
    day 6:
    day 7:
    day 8:
    day 9:
    day 10:
    day 11:
    day 12:
    day 13:
    day 14:
    day 15:
    day 16:
    day 17:
    day 18:
    day 19:
    day 20:
    day 21:
    day 22:
    day 23:
    day 24:
    day 25:
    day 26:
    day 27:
    day 28:
    day 29:
    day 30:
    will update regularly; and review upon 7 days gap
    . ...Expand 12
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    @toemaster35193 years ago My mom walked in and was like wtf is wrong with my child. 3514
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    @lilacflared9084last year 27/03/23: starting this exercise again becoz i' ve started feeling insecure abt my face again due to face fat becoz i had stopped doing this exercise day 1 (27/03/23)
    day 2 (29/03/23)
    day 3 (30/03/23)
    day 4 (31/03/23)
    day 5 (01/04/23)
    day 6 (05/04/23)
    day 7 (07/04/23)
    update: nd yas my face cheek fats have now become a lil less and much better side angle of the jawline
    day 8 (10/04/23)
    day 9 (11/04/23)
    day 10 (13/04/23)
    gonna update with the results on day 14 now
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    @Inhinyerang_Bobalast year I' ve done this last year for about 2 months, when my face gets slimmer and my double chin fade, i stopped due to laziness. Now i' m back again with my triple chins and hoping this would help me again. 14
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    @roach8306last year Did this for around 2 months last year and everyone noticed a change and complimented me! 20
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    @valeriazaldivar985811 months ago Thats very useful ill do it as well
    05/24: my cheeks were hurting but felt excited and loved the comments, im excited about the possible resul 05/25 it' s becoming a tradition to play lizzo songs while doing it, i' m starting to create a morning ritual
    05/26 had a busy day and did not do it
    05/27 the tongue one hurts, getting back at it again
    05/28 i' ve been recording myself and posting it in close friends to also have the social pressure of my friends watching me, and it' s super fun watching me in high speed hahaha
    05/29 im also trying mewing, which is the correct tongue posture, you should try it and other stuff too hehe
    05/30 im lazy today but discipline is importar even tho today its only 10 min and thats it
    05/31 i like the fact that since i' m looking myself more in the mirror, i' m taking more care of myself
    06/01 i' m getting used to the pain lessgoo oh and btw, yesterday a friend told me my face looked more defined and that the exercises were working, honestly, i do see chances, all of a sudden, since i think i was paying more attention to myself, i also started doing exercise and making sure i didn' t skip any meal and frankly, besides the looks, i feel more m alive i guess and happy
    06/02 don' t know what to say today hehe but i did it
    06/03 fast but effective before i went out i did it
    06/04 hangover and went out again i don' t remember if i did it
    06/05 back at it again, monday energy i' m nor feeling the best today but lesgoo
    06/06 had to do it at work
    06/07 rushing before work
    06/08 didn' t do it
    06/09 back at it
    06/21 so officially ive been doing this for 21 days and i feel very good, is now part of my routine even tho its kinda hard for me to build habit so im happy, im seeing changes in the whole area not. Only my face and im motivated and happy
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    @videotapes64533 years ago Who' s here because they want to get a glow up. 5491
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    @iluvx_adrianalimalast year Imma try to this for 8 weeks:
    day 1: did these exercises while reading comments saying that these exercises work tongue exercise made my musc id="hidden32"les hurt
    day 2: my muscles were more tensed also i' m not sure how the shoulder exercise will do anything but anything to have a slimmer face and look prettier
    day 3:
    day 4: skipped the face massage bc my hands weren' t clean and i was too tired to wash them
    day 5:
    day 6: couldn' t do it:
    day 7: been a week since i started to do these exercises
    day 8: done!
    day 9: tip when doing the excerises make sure to stretch your mouth as much so the excerises work:
    day 10:
    day 11: did it twice because i didn' t go to school
    day 12:
    day 13: it' s become a routine with my other workouts so it' s now easier to get them done
    day 14: two weeks already! I think my jawline slimmed down a bit but i' m not really sure cause i can' t remember what my jawline looked like before
    day 15: i forgot to do it
    day 16:
    day 17:
    day 18: donee!
    day 19: didn' t have time to do it
    day 20:
    day 21: week 3:
    day 22:
    day 23:
    day 24:
    day 25: i' ve almost done it for a month
    day 26:
    day 27:
    day 28:
    day 29: these excersise work! I feel like if i ate less bread bc i lovee bread so much i' d see results faster so i' m going to stop eating bread + it' s breaking me out
    day 30:
    day 31: i forgot to do it twice
    day 32:
    day 33: im really not bothered anymore but i will continue
    day 34: it was my bday today but i still did it
    day 35:
    day 36:
    day 37:
    day 38: felt motivated to do it today
    day 39:
    day 40:
    day 41:
    day 42:
    day 43:
    day 44:
    . ...Expand 9
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    @luls9562 years ago Doing workout until im happy with the results!
    day 1: was pretty nice the tongue thing felt pretty weird
    day 2: still fine tongue thing day 3: was really busy
    day 4: really good getting used to the tongue thing
    day 5: was about to not do it but still really good
    am starting to see a few changes
    day 6: i was about to skip today but i decided to do it
    day 7: getting easier and im starting to feel my jawline starting sharpen
    day 8: today im gonna do it 2 times first one was good
    second one was still good
    day 9: today was good
    day 10: ive realised that i cant just think this will work with me just doing these everyday and not making healthy choices in food so starting tomorrow (because i do this at night ) i will start making healthier decisions in my food
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    @1rismono8 months ago 30 days challenge
    day 1 tiring but i did it, the tongue rolling step is killing me.
    day 2 getting used to the tongue rolling
    id="hidden34">day 3 weirdly my left jaw hurts doing step 1, hoping i just have to get used to it
    day 4 feels good today
    day 5 no difference as of yet, but im used to all steps now. 25 days more to go
    day 6 manifesting good results by day 30
    day 7 skipped bc i wasn' t home
    day 8 1 week done, 3 weeks to go
    day 9 happy i' m still committed to 30 days
    day 10 no change, but im committed to 30 days
    day 11 skipped, it was my chill day
    day 12 will try to be more consistent
    day 13 getting there
    day 14
    . ...Expand 14
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    @jjxred2 years ago Day 1: my cheekbones area feel like fire from doing this x2
    day 2: i woke up tdy and jawline area was sore but managed to complete! No visible cha - i decided to do another at night, i can see my jawline getting more defined compared to the phtotos taken before starting this. Little to no change in face fat tho
    day 3: i can complete the tongue turning without grimacing now but still the same prior to day 2
    day 4: my chin and jawline has visibly tightened, im happy with it
    day 5:
    day 6:
    have been busy but did the exercises without the vid, skipped the shoulder exercise
    day 7:
    day 8:
    day 9:
    day 10:
    day 11:
    day 12: not much changes regarding to the face fat, jawline definitely improved a whole lot
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    @ymto211211 months ago 30 days challenge journal. Wish me luck!
    day 1: did the exercise twice while watching tv.
    day 2: did the exercise twice while scrolling day 3: noticed that my cheeks were sore when i touched them, and i can see some differences but not that much.
    day 4: skipped it because i' m tired.
    day 5: i got my period and am extremely tired. Skipped it again.
    day 6: feeling a lot better than yesterday. Did it twice.
    day 7: i did it only once. I don' t know if i see any difference.
    day 8: did it once today because i don' t feel good. I took pictures today and i saw that my cheeks kinda slimmed down, but it' s not that noticeable.
    day 9:
    day 10:
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    @superdoopercooldude60773 years ago To all my potatoes, may we become french fries. 3371
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    @sadhna9721last year I did this exercise for a month with only 2 gaps and these are truly amazing i m happy with the after results all we need is patience because after results gonna make you happy. 17
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    @y4bzz454last year Hi guys:
    im starting to take better care of myself after struggling for over a decade in regards to mental health!
    i thought this w id="hidden38"ould be a good place to start, so ill use this as a journal:
    day 1: tongue rotation killed me, but my face feels really good!
    day 2: sorry i forgot to update i' ve been doing other workout videos! I did it today and the tongue rotation killed me again, but i feel a lot better!
    day 3: did it but didn' t do the arm circles, still hurts:
    day 4:
    day 5:
    day 6:
    day 7:
    day 8:
    day 9:
    day 10:
    day 11:
    day 12:
    day 13:
    day 14:
    . ...Expand 20
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    @myg44497 months ago Im going to do this for a month with intermittent fasting and probably gum chewing!
    day 1:
    day 2:
    day 3: my jaw hurt so much its so sore )
    day 4:
    day 5: my face look slimmer!
    day 6:
    day 7:
    day 8:
    day 9:
    day 10:
    day 11:
    day 12:
    day 13:
    day 14:
    day 15:
    day 16:
    day 17:
    day 18:
    day 19:
    day 20:
    day 21:
    day 22:
    day 23:
    day 24:
    day 25:
    day 26:
    day 27:
    day 28:
    day 29:
    day 30:
    ...Expand 11
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    @nerdbiatch2 years ago I' m planning to do this for 10-20 days. Here are my current updates atm.
    day 1: it was better than other exercises that i have done. The id="hidden40" tongue rolling thing was felt a burning sensation, but i think that' s how u know it' s working. I finished it but i could hear bones cracking which kind of scared me.
    day 2: i finished it. I' m kind of unmotivated though. But i need to do this! I take a picture everyday just to make sure i' m doing everything right.
    day: 3 people are starting to notice it! Some girl said no way thats her! In just 3 days of this and my chin already got sharper, thank you!
    . ...Expand 236
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    @meghalichoudhury30084 years ago Okay so 90% of people here are doing this in bed! 13290
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    @soobhnlast year Ive literallymemorised the whole song throughout the video. 12
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    @somakirttaniya2186last year Doing a 40 day challenge. Daily 2 times
    day 1 (06/04/23) completed twice
    day 2 - completed twice r />day 3- once
    da day 5-
    day 6-
    day 7-
    day 8- couldn' t do due to busy day
    day 9-
    day 10-
    day 11-
    day 12- couldn' t complete due to fever
    day 13(18/04/23)
    day 14-
    day 15-
    day 16-
    day 17-
    day 18-
    day 19-
    day 20-
    day 21-
    day 22-
    day 23-
    day 24-
    day 25-
    day 26-
    day 27-
    day 28-
    ...Expand 8
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    @nuzhattabassum25118 months ago Thanks a lot for the video! I love how this exercise really works and you see a difference, even if it' s a small one, really quickly. I am observing day 1: no change observed but jaw felt a little tight. Might be placebo though.
    day 2: no change.
    day 3: the sides of my face seems slighlty slimmer, but besides that no change.
    day 4: my lower jaw and chin are starting to look a bit more defined and sides of my face look slimmer. Though i still have the chin fat.
    day 5: i can see little definition in the structure of my jaw but it' s still not sharp. My chin fat seems to have lost some volume too, but it' s not completely gone. Everything else is the same as day 4
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    @romithakuri51328 months ago This exercise really made my face slimmer! Thank you. 7
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    @watercatkloe8 months ago Day 1
    day 2
    day 3
    span id="hidden43">day 4
    day 5
    day 9
    for the start of the school year
    . ...Expand 4
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    @desin.73513 years ago Pov: you are looking through comments to see if it actually works while you are doing it. 2968
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    @keinalia4 months ago Finallyyy 30 days! Yes my cheeks look slimmer now compared to a month ago. But i dont think doing this for 30 days is enough, i think it should b id="hidden44"e done for two or three months at least or better make it as daily routine. Thats my opinion. Oh and im planning on doing this as daily routine btw. Ganbatte everyone!
    day 10 - my bf said my face look slimmer
    day 11 - i dont see my double chin that much like before
    day 16 - i can see my jawline getting sharper
    day 19 - i have diamond face shape so obviously i have wide cheekbones (amp; i hate it) but after doing this exercise for more than two weeks i can say my cheeks look slimmer. Idk how to explain but it doesnt look that wide anymore
    . ...Expand 11
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    @xi0_76111 months ago Okay ill try doing this for as long as i can!
    (07. 06. 23)
    day 1:no change
    day 2:i did this twice
    day 3-4:i was so busyy
    day 5:.
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    @nicky732311 months ago I' ve been doing this since late 2020. Thanks for this. 9
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    @arvalie.24last year I' ve been doing this for 1 week. It works,
    update: it' s been 3 weeks! My jawline look so much sharper and my face is also smaller. I loove the resultt.
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    @Dumplings1567 months ago 30 days challenge remind me guyz
    day 1: two times a day)
    day 2: />da day 4:
    day 5:
    day 6:
    day 7:
    day 8:
    day 9:
    day 10:
    day 11:
    day 12:
    day 13:
    day 14:
    day 15:
    i can' t see the results. Why?
    day 16:
    day 17:
    ...Expand 8
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    @lina.99783 years ago My friends: * doing workouts at the gym. *
    me at home:
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    @sopyuu2281last year Day 1: so far, it' s quite easy. Hopefully i' ll end up doing this daily
    day 2: i almost forgot, good thing i got the notification of you day 3: no changes.
    day 4: i did it two times this day, not sure if anything changed but my cheeks does hurt a lot
    day 5: skipped (was busy because of exams)
    day 6: did this while reviewing. Decided to skip the shoulder rotation. Tongue exercise still hurts! Can' t see any changes
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    @user-rn8bl9pk9s8 months ago Omg i did this workout for a week and it really helped thank you so much you guys must try it! 5
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    @Soph6722811 months ago Doing this untill june 22nd (im also trying to eat healthy, going for walks daily, working out for about a hour a day, and doing a different face workout o day 1- got through the whole thing without breaks, wasnt as hard as expected. Obv no changes
    day 2-
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    @bIueberryz10 months ago Ive been doing this daily along with a different video for about a week and now my face is a lot more defined + my jawline is a lot more visible but m . ...Expand 52
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    @realangelbby10 months ago I remember doing this exercise 2-3 years back and i don, t remember it having a back ground music at all. But anyways great workout it works really well . ...Expand 12
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    @dai.4043 years ago My saliva while doing this: let me out. 9640
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    @alroy469111 months ago I' m going to do this for a month with dieting and additional exercise.
    day 1 (13th may)
    day 2 (14th may)
    day 3 (15 may)
    day 4 (16th may)
    day 5 (17th may)
    day 6 (18th may)
    day 7 (19th may)ive been seeing very small changes like less fat under my chin)
    day 8 ( 20th may)
    day 9 ( 21st may)
    day 10 (22 may)
    day 11 (23 may)
    day 12 (24 may)
    day 13 (25th may)
    day 14 (26th may)too tired sorry)
    day 15 ( 27th may)
    day 16 ( 28th may)
    day 17(29th may)
    day 18(30th may)
    day 19 (31 may)
    day 20(1st june)
    day 21(2nd june)
    day 22(3rd june)
    day 23(4th june)
    day 24(5th june)
    day 25(6th june)
    day 26(7th june)
    day 27(8th june)
    day 28(9th june)
    day 29
    day 30
    edit: sorry i didnt do the last few days but it worked! My face got slimmer and im now seeing my jawline starting to form. I recommend doing this
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    @wan1yaa9 months ago Doing this till im satisfied with the results everyday:
    day 1: jaw hurts a bit, the tongue roll thing made me kinda sick.
    day 2: my jaw day 3: i did it early in the morning today, and it didn' t hurt anymore
    day 4: i looked in the mirror today and there' s a slight change: d
    day 5: still the same
    i' ll keep updating you guys
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    @camsubs37098 months ago I have been doing this for months and it has worked wonderfully for me, i have quite noticeable changes. 8
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    @randomalienidk56934 months ago I' m going to do this for 30 days, twice a day.
    day 1: done
    day 2: it felt a little bit more difficult to do the arm exercises, but day 3: i only did it once today because i was really busy, but done
    day 4: done, i did it three times today
    day 5: i ended up doing it at 1am, so i only did it once
    day 6: done, i only did it once because i was busy
    day 7: done, i think i' m starting to notice small changes
    day 8: done
    day 9: done, i did it three times today to make up for a day in which i only did it once
    day 10: done
    day 11: i didn' t have time to do it
    day 12: done, i only did it once
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    @ayoisntthisemmy9 months ago Been 5-6 days no differences. But im still gonna do it.
    like for updates.
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    @stefana44003 years ago Ill be really disappointed if i dont wake up with timothe chalamet cheekbones tomorrow. 7539
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    @afshanoorulain7360last year Decided to try this for idk how long, but ill keep trying until i see results
    day 1:
    day 2:
    day 3: i did this at 1 am and did it again in morning so i' d count morning one as 4th day )
    day 4:
    day 5:
    day 6:
    day 7:
    day 8:
    day 9: skipped
    day 10:
    didn' t see any results, i' ll wait a month or more to do so because if i claim my face looks slimmer within a week then it' s probably illusion created by myself, though this workout does feel like it would work but ill update my results after a month
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    @irem273010 months ago Doing the 30 days challenge and now im in day9. My face got really slimmer. Thanks! 7
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    @user-ol1cf1ox7x10 months ago I try it!
    day 1: yes, i fell amazing!
    day 2: yeah, i see change, its s day 3: yes, change
    day 4: wow, i really love this video!
    day 5: i see change! Its so amazing
    day 6: my mom say im lost weight
    day 7: omg. My face so changed
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    @Ririsofiaxlast year Heyy im going to be doing a 2 week update
    day 1: i can feel it and its giving me high hopes!
    day 2: almost like i can feel my face id="hidden57"getting slimmer and it was easier
    day 3: i can see a slight difference hopes are high!
    day 4: i can see more definition on my face but gotta keep going!
    day 5: im doing this at midnight lol, the more i do it to more the results come quicker!
    i totally forgot to upload my progress! But i did it for 2 weeks in the holidays and my face has changed so much now i dont have chubby cheeks when i do slickback hairstyles! I recommend
    . ...Expand 6
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    @galaxy-if6zy11 months ago Day 1-
    day 2-
    day 3- id="hidden58"r />day 4-
    day 5-
    day 6-
    day 7-
    day 8-
    day 9-
    day 10-
    day 11-
    day 12-
    day 13-
    day 14-
    . ...Expand 3
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    @Jaeminstoothbrush3 years ago Me to everyone: you are beautiful the way you are
    my youtube history:
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    @Nomoneynohoneyy14 months ago Very motivated!
    starting from 29th dec 2023
    day 1: don d="hidden59"e
    day 2: done
    day 3: done
    day 4: done
    day 5: done(slightly changed)
    day 6: done( seriously i do this workout during nighttime but today i notice whole day that i started gaining some defined jawline i means seriously!
    day 7: half done(today my exams got over and idk body was paining so i got lazy so i did it half but! While doing 2nd exercise my mouth part was paining due to stretch idk is this was due to exercise or due to body pain!
    day 8:
    day 9: forgot to edit)
    day 10: dunno whyy face is kinda jelly today)
    day 11:
    day 12:
    day 13:
    day 14: got lil busyy but face is still kinda small tho except double chin seems lil)
    ...Expand 22
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    @impxrfxcionx9 months ago I started like 4 days ago but i feel like i should update my progress. I plan on doing this for 50 days so ima start fresh and pretend i just started since day 1: i was really tired cuz i did a lot today but i still managed to do it. Tongue turning hurt a lot like a usual but tolerable. So far day one isnt that hard and i cant wait to see the results. ...Expand 6
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    @cottonwood41952 years ago Doing this excercise for a month!
    day 1- the tounge turning kinda hurts but still did it
    day 2 done but no changes noticed yet
    day 3 couldn' t do it as i was busy
    day 4 done
    day 5 done and my face looks a bit slimmer
    day 6
    day 7
    day 8
    day 9
    ...Expand 6