Duration 8:24

How the Minecraft Title Screen Seed was Found

8 979 830 watched
524.8 K
Published 21 Jul 2020

The Minecraft title screen. We've all seen it. But have you ever wonderered if a seed existed for it? Minecraft Beta 1.7.3 Seeds: 2151901553968352745 8091867987493326313 Image Overlay Program: https://codepen.io/Tomlacko/pen/mdVOOwG Contributors List: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1RkNSNfmrDdDH_yYTKE7MVA1mgjuqN9HYWE7vYJh-UPQ Earthcomputer's video: /watch/MrgPLNZCLacCP Panorama Render (Made by laundmo): https://mainmenu-pano.yadamiel.com/ Minecraft@Home Website: https://minecraftathome.com/ Minecraft@Home Discord: https://discord.gg/jp3Tneu SalC1 Discord: https://www.salc1.com/discord


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