Duration 1500

5 sleep monsters that dont let your kid sleep peacefully Baby sleep, sleep regression

15 watched
Published 20 Dec 2023

1. Screen Time Distractions: 📱 Many children struggle with bedtime sleep due to excessive screen time before bed. The blue light emitted from devices like tablets and smartphones can disrupt the production of melatonin, making it harder for kids to fall asleep. Encourage a screen-free wind-down routine to promote a better night’s sleep. 2 Irregular Bedtime Routine: ⏰ A lack of consistent bedtime routine can interfere with a child’s ability to relax and signal that it’s time to sleep. Establish a calming routine involving activities such as reading a book, taking a warm bath, or practicing gentle stretches to help your child transition from playtime to bedtime. 3. Sugar and Caffeine Intake: 🍭🥤 Consuming sugary snacks or caffeinated drinks close to bedtime can disrupt sleep patterns in children. Limit their intake of these substances in the evening to ensure a more peaceful night’s sleep. Opt for healthier bedtime snacks and drinks, like a small serving of yogurt or a cup of herbal tea. 4. Overstimulation Before Bed: 🚀🎮 Stimulating activities and high-energy play right before bedtime can make it difficult for children to settle down. Create a calm and quiet environment during the hour leading up to bedtime, minimizing loud noises and boisterous play to help your child transition into a more relaxed state before sleep. 5. Uncomfortable Sleep Environment: 🛌 The comfort of the sleep environment is crucial for a good night’s rest. Ensure that your child’s bedroom is conducive to sleep by maintaining a cool, dark, and quiet atmosphere. Invest in a comfortable mattress and pillows, and consider using blackout curtains to block out external light, creating an ideal setting for restful sleep. . . Hope it was helpful ❤️ . Love Garima .


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